Examples Of My Work AllUtilitarian WareDipping PlatesHaiku TraysFlower FrogsBeach Theme PotteryCaviar Serving VesselsSawdust FiredRakuButtonsRaku spice shakersBubble Vase SetStoneware ButtonsPorcelain Shell ButtonsPorcelain ButtonsPorcelain Mussel ButtonsPorcelain Baby ButtonsFlower FrogFlower FrogDriftwood TumblerTea-on-the-RocksTea-on-the-BeachTidal Pool Winter Tea MugSalt & Pepper SetRattles in Eel GrassSpice ShakersSalt & Pepper SetCaviar VesselCaviar VesselCaviar VesselStorage JarStorage JarStorage JarDiatom RattlesRaku Bear BoxPitcherHoney PotFermenting CrockHandbuilt MugsEarring BowlHoney PotTwo Blue Poppies Dipping PlateSushi PlateHerring PlateOrange Poopy Dipping PlateOctopus PlateAmmonoid PlateTres Poppies Dipping PlateShell Haiku Tray with Ikebana VesselShell Haiku TrayShell Haiku Tray with Ikebana VesselRice Haiku Tray with Ikebana VesselMorning Glory Haiku Tray with Ikebana VesselSide View of Haiku Tray with Ikebana VesselFlower Frog